Women....girls... females.. beauties.. whatever you want to be called. listen up-- you are worth it. This is something that we all need to learn because certain factors teach us the opposite ( society, TV, magazines, models, etc...) here are the rules that we should follow and teach
1. Thou shall not hang out with people who make a woman feel bad about themselves
2.Thou shall not feel guilty for the crazy guilty pleasures, embrace them (I eat pomegranates naked, and I enjoy it)
3. Thou can say "no" especially if 'yes' is a burden on thou self
4. thou is not perfect, and does not need to be
5.Thou shall 'mind their own business'--yes that girl is too skinny, too fat, too needy, too ugly, just let it go, work on thou self, not others
6.Do not apologize when you know in your gut that you are right
7.Admit your mistakes, we all make them move on
8. Be honest with thou self, it hurts sometimes but its worth it
9. thou shall leave there cellular phone at home once in awhile
10. Thou shall chose their battles
11. thou shall go for what they truly want in their heart (someday :)
12. thou shall love thou self, no matter what. You are your own temple, praise it.
Self esteem comes from the inside out. It means that a woman is not dependent upon anyone else to make her feel good about herself, because she already knows she's fine just the way she is. A woman is confident and aware of her strengths and abilities. Self-esteem is a core identity issue,when affected it can help or ruin happiness. Once achieved, it comes from the inside out. But it is assaulted or stunted from the outside in. LET THE OUTSIDE BURDENS GO!
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