I have noticed that many people have been depressed after their graduation. Is it the economy? Is it the Pressure? Panic sits in and people realize that graduation is just a day to wear a robe and a cap while realizing all those late night study sessions were not worth the lack of sleep.
Friends are each going their own ways or getting married. You are alone. something you wished for those many nights in the dorms. You stop going out because you no longer have school loans, the pool of the opposite sex, or the keg parties. What do you do with your life besides move into your parents basement to look for a real job with a worthless degree. Now it is time to freak out-Who am I? Who do I want to become? Where am I going? What are my passions in life? Am I making the right decisions?
Bite size bite size bite size from life. baby steps to trading pessimistic to optimistic
Ways to do this:
Exercise I am training for a triathlon
Detoxing Less drinking
Losing the toxic friends
deeeeeeep breaths
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